Saturday, February 24, 2007

UCLA Debt to Wealth class

I should have done this weeks ago. It should have been my first post, but being new to blogging I did not have the priorities on what should be posted. I was broke after my second divorce and I am now wealthy. This is not the format to divulge numbers, but let's say the net worth for my beloved wife and I puts us in the top 3% of the country. My UCLA class is where I share all the details. I explain the blocks to wealth, from emotional attitudes and values, and provide the practical tools and techniques to achieve wealth. It will be next week: I will be teach all day Saturday, March 3 on the UCLA campus in Los Angeles.

I only get paid about $300 for the day, so although this is my contribution back to the community it only happens once per year. You will find the link to the UCLA website with information on the class below.

Please, if you know anyone in the Los Angeles area that struggles with how to handle money effectively, please let them know about this class. Or, rather than suggest that someone attend, please consider an email blast to help me promote the class, and ask those who receive your email to pass it on to others. I would truly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

Besides individuals or clients that you might know, good prospects are Realtors, Lenders, CPAs, insurance agents and financial planners for either themselves or their clients. If someone who wants this information cannot attend, then they can get almost all of the information from my book (Amazon link):
Wealth on Any Income: 12 Steps to Freedom

This class is NOT for day traders, investors or the stock savvy. It is for people who are struggling with how to set up a budget, get out of debt, how to start saving and investing, etc.

UCLA class info:
Moving from Debt to Wealth on Any Income
Course Open Reg# S7789U

Class description from the catalog:
If it seems like all the money you earn comes in one hand and just goes out the other, you're not alone. Over 90 percent of our population has not been taught the basics of handling money effectively and only an estimated 10 to 20 percent of American workers and business owners will retire feeling financially secure. In this seminar, participants learn a revolutionary system to move from debt to financial independence, a system which is consistently practiced by the wealthiest people in the country. Topics include how to set and achieve your financial goals, living within your income, getting out of credit card debt, saving 10 to 20 percent of your gross income each month, handling emergency spending without a financial disaster, and learning how to spend money. Students leave the seminar with practical techniques and strategies that can be implemented immediately. Enrollment limited. Advance enrollment highly recommended. Single admission at the door is $160 (space permitting); payment by check or credit card only.

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